My Packing List

So, you're preparing to pack for Peace Corps training and service. Maybe you only want to pack one checked bag, or even only one carry-on. Maybe you don't want to make many extra purchases. Maybe when you look through packing lists comparable to the length of the Harry Potter book series, you feel overwhelmed. If any of this applies, maybe minimal/semi-minimal packing is for you, as it was for me. This is my semi-minimal packing list for Peace Corps Madagascar.

»Guide to creating a minimal or semi-minimal packing list
»The List: Essential Items
»The List: Other Items
»What didn't make my final cut

»Guide to creating a minimal or semi-minimal packing list

Step 1. Start planning your packing list at least a month in advance. That way, you'll have time to order things if you need to, and also be able to confidently create a list and pack without rushing. 

Step 2. Find and compare 2-4 packing lists for your country. Look for items that reoccur or are consistently emphasized. That will help give you an idea of what items are most essential and useful.

Step 3. Talk to people who are currently serving in your assigned country or have recently returned. Ask for input on the most essential things and recommendations for specific items/products. Find out what you should definitely purchase in America (important for availability or quality) and what you can wait to purchase when in your new country.

Step 4. Using this information, create a list of essential items. Edit the list as needed to fit your consumer needs (practicality, brand, price, etc.). Don't stress out on making sure you have all the "essential" things, though. 

Step 5. Once you have a list of essential items (should be a relatively short list), add a few things that are important to you. These items can be of sentimental value, or something you know you will want / will enjoy having. Don't bring anything that would be devastating to lose/break/ruin/get stolen.

Step 6. If your list just got lengthy, reevaluate your list and cut out 2-3 things. Repeat elimination process until satisfied. 

Step 7. Have a semi-final packing list. Make whatever purchases you need and adjust your packing list along the way as needed. 

Step 8. Gather your items. Pack them. You're done! Get on that plane.

P.S. In a procrastinated flurry, I waited until the night before departure to actually put my stuff in my backpack and suitcase. That was a terrible mistake. I pulled an all-nighter getting my stuff arranged well, even though I really didn't have that much... So check out how your stuff will fit before you have to haul off to the airport!

»The List: Essential Items

»Hiking backpack (with rain cover)
»Backpack (with rain cover)

»2TB External hard drive (waterproof/dust proof/shock proof)
»USB drives (4)
»Power cords and chargers (two cords per a device)
*I already had my iPad/iPhone. I bought a new inexpensive laptop as the one I had was practically broken. All these aren't essential, but having multiple devices is encouraged. I also got Lifeproof cases for the iPhone/iPad and screen/keyboard protectors for the laptop.

»Headlamp & extra/rechargeable batteries (one of the most emphasized things)
»Other lighting devices (penlight, flashlight, LuminAID*)
*A girl in my PC Facebook group placed a bulk order of LuminAIDs for a discount. We sent her money and she distributed them at staging. 

»Rain jacket
»Compact umbrella
»Waterproof bags (for electronics or anything you don't want to get wet)

»Short-sleeve T-shirts (9)
»Tank tops (2)
»Long-sleeve T-shirts (3)
»Light fleece jackets (1 pullover and 1 zip-up)
»Jeans (1 pair)
»Scrubs pants (lighter, cooler, easier to wash & dry than jeans) (2)
»Long skirts (below knee) (2)
»Shorts (3)
»Lots of underwear (30 pairs)
»Sport bras (10)
»Regular bras (3)

»Shoes/sandals (a pair of flip-flops and my Chacos)
»3 pairs of eyeglasses (only essential if you need eye correction)

»Supply of stick deodorant (6 sticks, these are expensive in Mada)
»Supply of babywipes/facewipes/handwipes
»Three months worth of toiletries and meds for training

»Gifts for host family (I packed a bag of Texas pecans, Texas coloring pages and crayons, cool school pencils, & an empty photo album to fill and give after training)

»Documents for staging (yellow card, student loan forms, flight information, and Peace Corps information)

Other Notes: A solar charger can be purchased during training. PC Madagascar provides a sturdy and lockable trunk, first-aide kit, water filters and purification drops, and a bicycle with all your bicycle needs. 

»The List: Other Items

»Roller bag for 2nd checked luggage bag (in the end, most of this was filled up with food)

»Pentax k-x camera & 18-200mm lens w/ protective lens filter
»Camera accessories (holster camera bag that can fit inside my backpack, 4 camera cards, rechargeable batteries/charger, usb cord)
»Rechargeable battery power bank with usb ports
»3 prong USA to European adapters (pack of 6)

»Knives (multi-tool, Swiss army knife, folding knife, boxcutter)
»Small alarm clock
»Bungee cords (4... they don't sell these in Mada)
»50' Nylon rope
»Duct tape (1 roll)
»Sewing kit

»Hammock (ENO double) with slap straps
»Quick dry towel

»Long-sleeve button-down flannel shirt
»Short-sleeve maroon fishing shirt with Texas A&M logo WHOOP
»Spandex shorts for under skirts (3)
»Athletic/yoga pants (4)*
»Thai-style pants (2)
»Running socks (12 pairs)*
*Because I love working out, I'll need these

»Tennis shoes 
»Trail running shoes
»Bandannas (5...I wear bandannas often) 
»Caps (3... I also wear caps often working outside)
»3 pairs cheap sunglasses

»Exercise bands
»Light jump rope
»Flat ball and superglue to make a crossfit medicine ball 

»Folding maps of Texas (free from AAA if you're a member), USA, Madagascar, and World
»Texas flag
»Texas A&M flag
»Runner's World 2015 wall calender 
»11"x17" poster of Hugh Jackman (I have no shame)
»Cards, notes, poems, and small trinkets from family, friends, and my school kids

»Madagasy-English dictionary 
»Small French-English phrasebook
»Small Madagascar travel guide
»Bible (a regular-sized one that's been with me to every international trip)
»Hard copies of 2 favorite books
»Notebook, pens, pencils
»Peel & stick envelopes (lick & stick can get ruined by humidity)

»Copies of important personal documents
»Voided check

»Jar of peanutbutter
»Jar of Nuetella
»Dried sausage and beef jerky
»Trail mix and fruit snacks
»Bag of ground flaxseed (because I like the protein and fiber)
»Instant oatmeal packets (just add hot water!)
»Protein powder
»Essential oils (lemon, lavender, purification, and stress away)
»Creole seasoning
»Water bottles (2) and blender bottle

»What didn't make my final cut

»A bunch of cooking stuff (didn't want to pack it all)
»My Aggie ring (too valuable and conspicuous)
»My poker set (soooo tempting...but way too heavy to pack)
»Soccer ball, tennis balls, baseball gloves and baseballs (take up too much room)
»Hiking boots (too bulky & heavy to pack)

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