Learning a new language takes patience and practice. The process of mastering foreign tongue is often challenging, frustrating, confusing, and exasperating. My experience of learning Malagasy is no exception. Fortunately, however, in my plight of this arduous task I have encountered moments of happy sunshine beaming through in the forms of hilarious-sounding vocabulary and phrases. Even more fortunately, enough of this candescent hilarity has occurred to inspire a list of my 10 favorite Malagasy words to say, which I now present. I am also sharing 10 of my favorite Malagasy proverbs (in their English translations), which I value for both humor and wisdom.
My favorite Malagasy words
» Adaladala (ah-dahlla-dahlla): adj. Kind of crazy
» Migaka (me-gack-ah): v. To drink (Antakarana dialect)
» Madinky (ma-dinky): adj. Small or Tiny (Antakarana dialect)